Sunday, May 1, 2011

SM 30 day Challenge 2

Day 11
Fave Inner Senshi
I'll have to do Second Favorite because I already put my Favorite Down.
Sailor Moon prbly doesn't Count so Sailor Jupiter! she doesn't get enough Notice she's had the hardest past of all the Inner Senshi and I like her For her Strength, Height,she's Down to earth and Goofy and very giving of herself for others, she is the first one to jump into the battle to save Sailor Moon and she would have done anything for Andrew :p
or even her old BF Ken.
No I do not think she sounds like a Guy just because she has a deeper voice then the rest! 
the way she looks up To Uranus is very Adorable also! almost like Hero Worship in a way.
Corrin and Lita!

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