Sunday, April 17, 2011

First Entry's are always a Pain

Hi! so this is my first entry on Blogger, I am Typing this While Listening to The Black Butler Theme Song 'Lacrimosa' by SID.  so I think you can already tell what way this Blog is going to go lol if you couldn't tell by my Profile.
I'm going to be talking about a Variety of Subjects and my opinions on them because well I'm an Opinionated person. I'm mostly going to stick to Anime,Music and Fashion relating to Japan and Korea. also I'll take survey's relating to said topics. like Now for instance. also will be easier to get to know me :)
Lolita Meme
Name and/or nickname:

Spokane wa

23,I'll be 24 on the 27th!

Blog screen name: Otaku Princess

Do you plan on lying in this survey in order to make you look more loli?
No, that would be dumb and defeat the whole purpose of my Blog lol

How long have you been into lolita?
well truly only a Few years,but I've loved Visual Kei since I was a Teen and I always loved the Dresses they wore. after reading Paradise Kiss I fell in love with Lolita.

How did you find out about lolita?
through Reading Paradise Kiss a Manga my BFF at the time Suggested I read in High school. then I watched Kamikaze girls in 2008 and it stuck with me. but I have never been truly serious about wearing it until a Month ago,I decided I would Crack down and buy something as long as it was reasonably priced.

What's your favorite style?
Right now I don’t know. since I'm just starting and my Fashion Evolves and Changes all the time anyway,but I never go through Phases. I just add more to style of likes and Dislikes. I doubt lolita will be the Exception.

What do you like most about lolita?
The way those clothes make me feel (Pretty, feminine, happy, etc…)<< Same and I just love the Creativeness that goes into it.

What do you dislike most about lolita?
The Price and the Elitist's that think you can only dress one style of lolita.

What's the most difficult thing about being lolita?
ppl not understanding and thinking that Lolita's mean dressing up like a Child so pervy Japanese guys can get there fix. (as my sister thinks) which is not true! it's not even about  the guys.

What's the best reaction you've gotten in loli?
I haven't worn any yet to know. but everytime I wear my cute Lollipop or Cupcake Jewerly or my Kandi Charmander Necklace I always receive lots of Cute comments,so I don't think this will be any exception.

What's the worst reaction you've gotten in loli?

What's your favorite brand(s)?
Angelic Pretty,Baby, the Stars Shine Bright and Candy Violet

What's your favorite accessory?
Necklaces and Earrings and Rings now. also Hair bows,Purses and lace wrist cuffs.
Whats your favourite color combo?
Mint and Pink,pink and white but I would prbly wear any color Combo as long as it was in a Style or print I really liked.

What do you think about black and white combos?
I like them but I tend to like old Fashioned Lolita Dresses anyway

Who or what has the biggest influence on your style?
um just lolita pictures or Blogs I find around. really my own Style influences my style lol

What do you think about lolis with tattoos?
They can look beautiful :3 (Same with pierced lolitas X3) <<< yes they can

How often do you dress lolita?
only about twice and I had a Flowered purple Head Bow/tie thing that I'm glad is no longer in style. they bugged me.

What magazines do you read?
None =P

What music do you listen to?
I like a lot. as far as Asian goes I like Visaul Kei,Jpop/Rock and Kpop. otherwise it's Pop,Emo and all Rock except Death Metal.
What's at the top of your wishlist?
Man there is so much. I need to get Shoes,Stockings and Accessories for the Dress I bought first though.
but as far as something I can't afford that I want?

it would be the Sugery Carnival Dress by AP
as for something I can afford and Will get when it's in stock is Minty Mix Split Color Wig
What do people around you think about lolita?
well my sister may not understand it even though she's been to Japan. I think she may thinking off the Maid Cafe's though. as for the rest of my Family there used to it by now and my Husband thinks it's cute.

Do you own brand?

Can you sew?
No :(

Do you have more brand or commissioned/self-sewed/off-brand clothes?
Off Brand,until my Mom teaches me how to Sew :)

Do you think brand is worth its price?
Sometimes, it all depends on the print or design.

What was the first brand you bought from?
well I bought this From Body line
other wise it would be the Dress I put together From Forever 21
Yes I realize it's not a real lolita Dress :p
Do you use a shopping service? If so, which one?
Well I will be using Clobba online

Finish the sentence:

Angelic pretty is…
is a pricey Designer Brand,that houses lots of Pretty peices

Baby the stars shine bright is…
another Pricey Designer that made me want to wear lolita in the first place :)

Moitie is…
A brand that I heard is Designed by Mana of Malice Mizer?

Metamorphose is…
Another Brand but I've never seen there clothes

Emily Temple Cute is…
A brand that looks to Second hand and kiddish for my tastes.

Bodyline is…
An acceptable store to buy Lolita Dresses From if you can't buy the Brand names.

What's your favorite theme/motif?
Sweets! and Cute Elegent,Aristocrat Motifs.

Do you like any other alternative fashions? ( i.e something you wouldn't regularly see on a catwalk)
Gyaru and Visaul Kei!
Would you consider yourself a lolita elitist? Not at all!

Have you ever been posted on lolita_fucks?
No never heard of it

Do you participate on lolita_fucks? Why?

Do you cosplay?
Nope that takes time,Sewing Skills and Money

Do you cosplay lolita?
lol no!

Do you like anime?
yes I love it!

What do you think about those who cosplay lolita? eh I just think it gives a bad impression. but if you have no place to wear your lolita Dress or you want to find an excuse to buy a name brand then sure! as long as it's not Costumey.

Have you watched Shimotsuma Monogatari?
Kamikaze girls, Yes.

How many times? (don't lie now)
3 times

Are you like Momoko?
Well, I don’t like humans, but I’m not that extreme.<< lol me neither,I always related to both her and Ichigo.

Do you want to be like Momoko?
yeah a bit

Is Momoko your hero?

Mana's work or Novala's work?

Honestly, what do you think about Mana?
I like him

Do you think Mana invented loli?
No, but he is an icon for gothic Lolitas

What do you think about Novala?
I like him of course,he made Kamikaze girls

How long does it take you to get ready?
in everyday wear,half and hour maybe

Do you wear a wig?
I’d like to =P

Can you pull off a bonnet?
I don't like them

Do you wear bloomers?
well of course I would!

Do you put on the petticoat before ... or after your skirt/dress?
I think I would do it before

What makeup do you usually wear?
really anything,bright colors,black eyeliner,pink lipstick or Red or shimmery lipgloss

Do you like nail art?
I like how it looks but I've never used it

Rocking horse shoes are…
look scary to walk in

How high are your highest heels?
Not sure

About what percentage of your income do you spend on loli?
idk we will see

Plain socks or socks with designs on them?
Designs,but I like Tights better

Knee high or higher?
Depending on the skirt’s length.

Describe your very first try at lolita.
well I already showed you the Dress but here's an older one with a Sheer Black blouse and Headdress

It wasn't bad but the Socks and Boots ugh..
Your wardrobe consist of mostly what color?
Black,pink and Grey
Would you rather sacrifice all your lolita clothes or never be able to wear normal clothes again?
hmm well since I don't have many lolita clothes I'd go with the first one
Would you rather be in a world where you are the only person who wears and knows about lolita or live in a world where everyone wears lolita? (as in lolita would be the "normal" attire.)
I’d prefer to be the only one, because a world full of lolitas would be so damn boring.<<agree

Would you rather be the designer for major brand with a strict rule that you can't wear lolita at all, or would you rather be able to wear the clothes but all of them will purposely be the opposite of what you like?
that is the second one
If you had to wear one brand for the rest of your life which one would it be?

Do you read community/forum rules before posting?

Did you think they didn't apply to you?

do you know how to check the memories?

how about the search function?
what r u talking about

Have you ever posted a question about petticoats on EGL?

Do you carry a doll/teddy bear with you? Why?
No,but I have a bunny backpack from Ouran Host club

Do you read books? all the time

Can you recommend any books new lolis would like? um....No I don't have any books like but I do have the Otaku Encyclopedia lol

What would you do if your significant other told you they didn't like lolita?
too bad for him

What would you do if your significant other told you not to wear it anymore?
well than obvi were not right for each other,if we were he'd accept me for me and I've dated Jerks like that they hated that  I never cared what they thought lol
Ideally, what would your significant other's style be like?
ummm there own style or elegant gothic aristocrat

Have you ever thought about stopping lolita? Why?
stop liking it? No

Would you rather be stuck in an island with Mana or Novala?
I don't really know anything about either of them. Novala is too old,so I'll go with Mana if he's not Gay who cares if he talks or not? lol

Who's your favourite loli model?
idk any

What are your favorite 3 places on the net? (that are related to loli)
the lolita Blogs on here,the Lolita Tumblrs and Lolita Fashion Forum

How many real life lolita friends (I.E not on the internet) do you have?

What is the most expensive lolita thing you've bought so far? How much was it?
just the Dress I bought. which was $37

Do you think there's an age limit to lolita? If so what is it?
yes in your 40's lol

Keeping in mind what's released by each brand each season, what's your favourite season?
Winter,they have lots more cute winter clothes than Mainstream Stores do.

What do you think about boys who wear loli? (and I mean loli and not aristocrat, ouji, etc)
As long as they look feminine, I don’t have any problem with them XD<<Same

Do you have a favorite artist? (as in painter, animator etc.)
Related to Lolita? No
Name every un-loli aspect of yours.
um that would take too long

Name all your lolita aspects.
I can be nice and Curtous when I need to be,I'm girly,Creative and love Cute things,but also Elegent Dark things as well.

What does lolita mean to you? Is it just a fashion? Is it a lifestyle? A passing phase? Something else completely? Why do you care about the fashion? Please explain yourself as well as possible. Don't be afraid of getting mushy. hell, I encourage you to get mushy.
it's the Clothes,the Imagination,the way lolita Japanes girls carry themselves,the fun and the whole Culture (minus the Snobs)

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