Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sailor Moon Questions

What is your favorite season of the anime/manga?
so far Sailor Moon Romance! but I haven't seen all of Sailor Stars yet so we'll see!

What character would you most like to see have their own spin-off manga or anime?  (not including Sailor V, obviously)
Sailor Saturn and her life with Setsuna,Haruka and Michiru. 

Which soldier has the best shoes?
Sailor Uranus,I had a pair of Boots that Resembled her's

Is there a character with whom you hold a particular connection with (major or minor character)?  Who and why?
Prbly Mina (Venus) we both wanted to be stars,are Caring and are Romantics,plus I can be just as Goofy as her sometimes. 

I think if I had to choose, I would rather been an outer senshi.
 Do you have a preference between the inner and outers?
I would rather be an Inner. one they had more powers and also they just seemed More Close knit.

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