Tuesday, December 18, 2012


When Girls little they want to be Marry their Dad,A big strong King like figure.
When I was little I wanted to Marry My Brother,A Prince like figure if you will.
Then you grow up and realize you can't.
So I tried to find aspects of him in guys I dated.  whether I realized it or not. Granted that didn't always work.
My Brother was more of a Father to me than my own Father was.
I don't remember a lot of my Childhood,but I do remember him teaching me how to color in the lines,he got me into listening to Hip Hop and R&B,Brian would pick me up after school on his bike,
yes he even showed me bad habits like Cracking my knuckles.
Later on when I got older we would talk about Family,Take Surveys together,Watch Movies,he was and is always their to talk to.
Then when I became an Adult he game me away to be Married.
Like most older Brothers he'd pick on me and we fought,but then we'd turn right back around,hug and say "I love you" Because that's what Family does. 
He was my Protector,Friend and Annoying older brother all in one,he's Family,And Brian I love you!
Love your 'lil' Sis,Michelle

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