Full Frontal Chaos
Well thats good. God, like to scare me? Told your mom you thought you were pregnant?
Full Frontal Chaos
Uhhh what was your journal about.....
Full Frontal Chaos
Directions: What you do, is you tell the names of all the boyfriends you went out with during said grade in school, and then you tell your and his "story." It's that simple! Oh, and don't forget to bold their name.
Sixth Grade
I didn't have a Boyfreind when I was 12.... Me, my freinds Lindsay and Jennifer had a crush on this Jock named Shane but other then that you don't know what love is at 12.
Seventh Grade
at 13 you don't know what love is either but the first boy I dated and kissed was Brent Journey we dated for two school years and I of course thought I was in love but it was just puppy love he was a dumb Jock and now that I look back not cute at all lol he asked another girl out so I got upset and didn't go to school that entire year or even out. I was living with my Mom and decided to move in with my Dad in Tacoma.
Eighth Grade
I whent to a Uniformed school named Gault and there was one black guy named Vincent I liked but other then that all they was were freinds. same thing when I went back to Fairhaven in Bellingham I dated (Kyle and Bo) but never had a Serious Realtionship.
Freshman year
when I was 15 in high school I met Scott Pattern at first he was dating my Best friend Leiha (kinda) so even though I liked him I didn't say anything,my friend Alisha liked him too but he didn't feel the same so eventually she moved to a new school. we were friends first him,His freind Eric and Me. Scott and leiha decided they were better off as freinds and when my other freind Sami asked me and Scott if we were dating cause we were hanging out so much I said "I wish" he then called me on the phone that night asked if I was serious and asked me out.
we dated for 3 months and had our first Vday together. we had alot of things in common and he was Hilarious and a Grunge/Hippie boy With long hair which I loved. then he broke up with me because he said he wasn't ready for a realtionship I was angry at first but then I calmed down and we stayed Friends the whole time I was at Sehome.
then I dated Daniel Turner oh joy *sarcasm* ok yeah he was hot and quite the charmer (kinda looks like Adam Lambert) and nice when you first meet him he saw me outside school when he was hanging with our Group and told my BFF Cleo that he thought I was pretty,I was really shy then so I just smiled at him,then in school he gave me a note asking me out to the Homecoming Dance I said yes so we went there and he's a really good dancer. Cleo thought we were perfect for eachother well after only 3 weeks of dating he broke up with me saying he had family issues he needed to take care of. I said I understood boy was I whipped lol the next day he was dating this girl Lacey (who was my freind but then she became a slut) I was really mad about that and refused to be his freind even though he tryed to sweet talk me. we-or i should say I- tried two more times and they all ended up the same him cheating on me after a week and lying about it.
with him it's weird though cause I could feel if he was in pain or I'd have a dream about him and the next day or so I'd see him so that made it harder to move on. recently if I have a dream about him since he's in the army a few days later he'd contact me online being all freindly. but I think that stopped after I told him what I thought of him.
then Will a freind who I'd known for awhile at Sehome asked me out I was surprised I didn't Expect him to ask me out but I said yes everyone else was surprised cause he's Handicapped (he only has one arm) but I beleive we were really happy together,I was anyway. he was really nice and fun we dated for a few months and I thought I was in love with him so I was really hurt when he broke up with me saying he wasn't ready to date anyone. right....well he told Cleo and her brother Dorian and diffrent story so the realtionship had "lost it's luster" yeah jerk after that he was nothing but an asshole to me. especially when I started dating Sam cause he wanted her.
Sophomore year
I'm a little confused about years cause I was held back once in 8th grade but I was 15-16 when I dated Sam Turner. (no she is not related to Daniel)
but first I should tell about you Crystal Trooper who I dated when I was 15 I had just begun to except my being Bi-sexaul and she was too (a bit) we were freinds and liked eachother so we went out. she wrote me sweet poems and letters I suppose you could say she was the "guy" in the realtionship cause she had short hair and dressed kinda tomboyish/Boho. but I could tell that even though I was open with my family,she wasn't going to tell her dad and then she decided to break up with me after writing that she'd never go back to a guy again,and date my freind (at the time) Nate. yeah she's a slut,but then he treated her like crap.
Sorry no pic.
then I dated Sam for 9 months, I took her away from none other then Daniel cause he was treating her like Crap (go figure) I think she was someone I truly loved. she was shy,I was outspoken and protected her alot she had a difficult child hood and family life and was a cutter (which yeah I did at the time to) she got me into being Goth. we did have our ups and downs and I did cheat on her once at a Holloween party (Concidently with the Guy she's now married to) we had broken up a few times but got back together, then I broke up with her cause I thought she was going to break up with me. and I started Dating Mike Boyce (the guy she's married to) we dated for awhile until he started acting like a Jerk and I felt weird being his first girlfreind. I didn't get over Sam for a long time.
Before going to the Valentine's Dance. which I asked her out to then we started actaully dating.
She looks alot diffrent now.
Juinor Year
yeah all what I just typed got deleted so. yeah I dated James Reitz for 11 months it was turbelanet we lived together, he has a dysfuntional Family,I'm best friends with his sister Mariah and Me and James have more fun as freinds. There Condensed Version.

Senior Year
Didn't have Senior Year dropped out.