Sunday, November 30, 2014

New Mom Survey

A.) Mommy
First Name::Michelle
Current Age::29
Age when child was born::27
Single, Dating, or Married?:Married
Eye Color::Brown
Hair Color::Brown
Body Type::Petite
Month of Your Birthday::April
Number of Kids::1
Kids Current Ages:: 20 Months
First Name::Michael
Current Age::29
Age at Child’s Birth::27
Eye Color::Blue
Hair Color::Brown
Body Type::Stocky
Religion::None but not Atheist
Month of Birthday::December
Number of Kids::1
Still together?:yes
How much is he involved with the kid?:Very much
Did you think you wanted kids?:yes
Did you ever babysit/work with kids?:No
Did you party a lot?:No
Smoke?:only as a Teen
Do drugs?:Smoked Weed as a Teen
What were your favorite things to do/hobbies?:Read,Dance,Collect Dolls,Watch TV,Shop,Write,Computer,Play with My Pets
How did you meet the baby’s father?:We Found each other on a Dating Site Called Geek 2 Geek and Met 4 Months later at My Brother’s House in Tacoma.
What was the 1st clue that you were pregnant?:I was Late and I never am,and I was having Period Cramps without the Period
How did you feel when you found out?:Excited,Nervous
How long did you wait to tell the dad?:I told him I thought I was the next day
How did he initially react?:he was Excited we’d been trying for almost a year
Were you dating, married, or not together at the time?:Married
Was the baby a surprise, or were you trying to get pregnant?:trying
How long before you told your friends?:We Posted it on Facebook as soon as we knew for sure
What about family?:Same
Were you nervous to tell anyone?:No
Did anyone’s reactions surprise you?:No
Did you ever consider abortion or adoption?:We Considered Adoption or I did but it’s so Expensive and such a long Process. Michael’s always wanted his own kid.
If so, what made you change your mind?:Michael
Were you living with your parents, the dad, or on your own?:We obvi live together
Were you working/in school?:No
Did you have to “shop around” for the right OB?:No
Did you find out the gender before birth?:Yes
Describe how you felt when you first saw the baby on an ultrasound::Happy
Was the dad there?:yes
Were there ever suspicions that something was wrong with the baby?:No
If something WAS wrong, did you question going through with the pregnancy?:I would never abort
How far along were you when you started to show?:3 Months
Ever took pictures of your pregnant tummy?:Yes
Were you a smoker when you found out that you were pregnant?:No
:Did you ever drink during pregnancy?:No
What about drugs?:Nope
:Did you take prenatal vitamins?:Yes
Did you ever have morning sickness?:Once
What about gestational diabetes, swollen feet, etc?:I had Gestational Diabetes and Swollen Feet and Hands the last few Months
Do you have any genetic probs. you were afraid would pass on to the baby?:No
Did you ever cry about silly things because of hormones?:yeah
Did you have any weird cravings? For what?:in the first Month,Like Pickles Hot Dogs and Mustard wrapped in a soft Tortilla
:Did you go to lamaze classes?:No
Wasn’t it amazing when the baby kicked?:yeah
Did people ask to rub your belly?:thankfully no
Did you ever dream about the baby?:yeah
Do you miss being pregnant?:I did for awhile not anymore
What was your expected due date?:Oct 3,he was born on Sept 14
Did you ever get hurt or injured while pregnant?:no
Did you read baby books/magazines?:yes
Top 3 boy names you liked::Adrian,Logan,Jackson
Top 3 girl names you liked::Meredith,Madeline,Echo
Did you have just one, or more?:1
How far along were you?:7 Months
Did the dad attend?:yes
How many people attended?:idk a good handful
Did you have activities/games planned?:yes
What was your favorite gift?:The Diaper Cake was pretty neat
What gift ended up being the most helpful?:the clothes
Did you get anything that you never used?:yeah we got two Baby Carriers so we sold one
Did you have a diaper cake?:yep
Where were you when you went into labor?:at home
What were you doing at the time?:I was sleeping then I felt like I had to pee so I went to use the bathroom and My Water Broke so I woke Up Michael around Midnight
Were you alone?:No
How long before you went to the hospital?:maybe an Half hour
How did you get there?:Michael Drove
How did you feel? (nervous, excited, scared, etc):Nervous I guess I was just in pain so I wasn’t really concentrating on anything else
Did you give birth before, after, or on your due date?:Before
Who all came to the hospital and waited in the lobby?:My Sister in Law and Nieces were there First then My Mom and Aunt Drove over From Tacoma to Spokane! Michael’s parents and Brother where also there.
Who stayed in the room during birth?:all except my Father and Brother in law
Did anyone film the birth?:No
What kind of birth was it (C-section, vaginal, water birth, etc):Vaginal
Did you have an epidural?:yes
If yes, did you still find labor/delivery painful?:Not with an Epidural,the beginning when I was in labor without the epidural yeah
Did you have an episiotomy?:idkwhat that is
Was your OB there, or did you have an on-call doctor?:I had an on call Doctor
Were there any complications during/after delivery?:we did have to use a Vacuum to get him out,he waited until My Mom got there lol
Did you curse anyone out during labor? Scream/cry?:No
How long were you in labor before you started pushing?:Not very long,in total it took 15 hours
How long were you pushing before the baby was born?:awhile
What time was it when the baby was delivered?:5:16 PM
How long before you first got to hold the baby?:right away
Did you have any injuries from labor and delivery?:I did tear
Name::Adrian Rhys
Whose last name did the baby keep?:Our’s
Birth weight::6.8
Bald, a little hair, or a full head of hair?:Full head of hair
Eye color at birth::Blue
Did it change later?: They’ve gotten Bluer instead of a Blue Grey.
Hair color::Dark Brown
Features inherited from mommy::Hair Color (and it being Oily unfourntly),Nose,Ears,Lips,Skin Tone,Long Fingers
Features inherited from daddy::Face,Mouth,Eyes,Feet
How long did you stay in the hospital?:5 days,he was  at risk for Jaundice and He lost a pound
Did the baby have to stay longer?:we stayed with him the whole time
Did the baby have to go into the NICU?:No
Did you have any issues with the hospital or nurses?: No I liked Most of the Nurses Especially Audrey who did Most of  the Work while I was having Him.
When it was time to go home, were you excited or scared?:Excited
Did anyone stay at the hospital with you?:Michael
Who all came to visit in the hospital?:My Brother and Michael’s aunt
Was he/she an easy baby?:yes
Did they have colic?:a bit
Breastfed or formula?:Both
If breast, did you have any problems with nursing?:yes,which is why he’s formula fed now. but he was breast fed for a Month
Did baby use a pacifier?:yes
If so, what word did you use for it?:Binkie
Cloth or disposable diapers?:Disposable we do have some Cloth but we haven’t used them yet
Where did the baby sleep?:in His Crib,His Swing or With Me
at 1 month and Now
Did the belly button ever make you nervous?:a bit
If it was a boy, was he circumsized?:yes
Did you bring them to the hospital often?:No Just for his Checkups
What was the hardest thing to adjust to?:lack of sleep
Something funny you did because of sleep deprivation::Funny,there was nothing funny about it
Something cute they did as a newborn::he always does cute things,his smiles are always cute as well as his Cooing and laughing
Do you remember the first real smile?:yep
How often did you do tummy time, and when did you start?:we tried to do it once a day
How old were they when you finally felt comfortable leaving them w/ someone:1 Month we left him with his Grandma while we went to the Movies
Who, besides dad, helped the most at this age?:Grandma’s
How long before you went back to work?:
What about dad?:he could only get a Week off but he did take More Days after that,since we were in the Hospital during his Paternity leave
How well did siblings/pets adjust to the baby?:um The Pets were a Bit Leery but Now Jacob gives him Kisses every now and then and The Cats headbut him
Did you ever use a baby sling?:No
What about a walker?:Yes
Anything scary happen to/with the baby at this age?:Not really
Did they ever have febrile seizures?:no
Stop breathing?:no
Cutest outfit at this age::His Monster Footie PJ’s
Where was baby’s first outing to?:The Cat Zoo
When did you start transitioning to solids?:A Few Months idr Exactly
What was baby’s reaction?:he really liked Squash
What was their favorite first foods?:Solid Foods? Fries and Bananas.
Did they get sick often?:just a bit of Spit up he’s only Vomited once
First word:Mama
:Second word: Dad
:Were they baptized?:No
Age first walked: 9 Months
:What was their favorite thing to do at this age?: at 9 Months,Climb Things
Foods they loved? Fries
:Foods they hated? he pretty much likes everything.
:Who (besides mom and dad) was their favorite person? My Niece Miranda
:What about best baby friend?:his Cousin Mark
Did they attend daycare? No
At what age?:
Did you fill in one of those baby scrapbook things?: No I could never find one.
If so, did you finish it, or give up on it?:
Did they watch TV as a toddler? Yes
:If so, what were their favorite shows?: Slugterra and Agent Oso
What was their bedtime routine?:he didn’t really have one.
What time was bedtime?: idr,Now we try to go to Bed at 12 Pm,with an Afternoon or Late night Nap.
What time did they wake up in the morning?: 10,11 or 12
Did they enjoy bathtime?: yes he’s always loved Baths.
How old were they when they first went “swimming”?:um 9 Months? at least when he went into the Pool.
First swimming lessons?: Never
Did you ever enter them into a modeling contest?:No
What about dance classes?:No
What were their favorite songs?:Doc Mcstuffin Theme Song,Yokai Watch,really any music he’ll Dance to now.
Favorite animals? idk he’s only really been around Dogs and Cats, and Ducks but he didn’t really pay attention to them.
Favorite place to go?: Outside
Did you go to the park a lot? Yes
:What about take baby to restaurants?:Yeah we take him out to eat with us,it was actually easier when he was a Newborn lol
What were your favorite crafts to do together?:Drawing
Did you ever color in their coloring books for your own enjoyment?:I Would.I have some of My Own.
Were they social, or more reserved?:he’s a bit shy around Strangers.
Did you ever use a “leash”?:Not yet
Ever had a problem with a babysitter?:No
Were they gentle with animals, or a little too rough?:He was a bit to rough with Our Cats like pulling Tails but he’s learned.
Did they ever get bit by an animal? No but Scratched yes.
:What about another kid? No but he’s has been Pushed :/
:Were they biters/hitters?:Yes were trying to get him out of that.
Any allergies?: Not yet
At what age did they potty train?: Not yet,Soon.
How hard was potty-training for you?:How long did it take?:Was there any punishment for not using the potty?:What was their reward for using it?:
What were their favorite outdoor activities?:Playing With Shovels and Dirt,Kicking His ball around. he loves the Slides at the park and running around.
Favorite indoor activities?:Climbing Things,Playing with His Toys especially Cars and his Kitchen,Reading,Watching TV,Drawing.
Any major behavioral issues?: No
Health issues?:No
Any friends/relatives they just did not like? So Far No
:Some funny things they did at this age: At 20 Months? he does alot of Cute Funny things! trying to stand on his head,Spinning around,Dancing.
:Some cute things they did at this age:^^^
:A scary event that happened at this age: Not Scary but Worrisome when he wouldn’t stop banging his head on things. he’s gotten better now.
:Did you spank them at this age?: No
What about yell at them?: Yeah…
What one thing did they eat most often?: Fruit,Veggies,Fries and Chicken Nuggets.
Did they get candy/chips/sweets?:Chips yes.
What about soda?:No
Fast food?:Once in a while
Were they overweight or underweight?:Nope.
Did they pick up any bad words from you? No
:Sing along with mainstream radio?: He babbles yes.
Did you ever give them Benadryl so you could get some sleep?:No
What about take them on vacation?:Yes to Bellingham,going again in July.
What was their comfort item?:A Blanket
Would you say you are more lenient or strict? A bit of both
:Were you ever a single parent?:No
Worked or stayed at home?:Stay at home
Did you and your partner ever fight about how to do something “right”?: yeah
Anyone ever criticized your parenting?:Yep
Who, and what did they say?:Michael’s Mom,What hasn’t she said? lol
What was the best compliment you received about parenting/child’s behavior?:idk
Did you ever discipline someone else’s kid? No
:What was your main way of disciplining?:Timeout in his playpen. 
How often were you guilty of using the TV as a distraction?: alot lol His Fave Shows are Doc Mcstuffin,Dinosaur Train,Sofia The First and Lego Friends.
Fight/argue in front of them?:Not really
Accidentally break/lose a toy?:No
Give in to a fit?:Yes
Make a myspace/facebook under your child’s name?:No,he can have one when he’s older
Use WIC?:Yes we do
Foodstamps/welfare?:Nope couldn’t get Food Stamps.
Take them to Disney World?:Hopefully!
Take them overseas or on a plane?:
Get in a car wreck with them in the car?:
Let them miss school when they weren’t really sick?:
Get them their own pet?:We Might
Rent a Fun Jump/jump castle for their birthday?:
Bake a cake/cookies with them?:
Smoke around them?:we don’t smoke
Enter them into sports?:
Take them to a public pool?:
Move after they were born?:we will be
Write them a letter to give them when they are older?:Take them to a museum?:Take out a life insurance policy?:Write a will?:Get a kids song stuck in your head?:Watch Youtube together?:Download a game for them on your phone?:Get walked in on during an intimate moment?:Lie to a pediatrician?:Get a second opinion from another doctor?:Call CPS on someone?:Get dirty looks when your kid threw a fit?:
Halloween Costume:Super Boy and The Baby from Adams Family
:Pet:He has Bonded with Our Dog Jacob.
:Death they experienced::Formal event they attended::Coherent drawing::
Professional picture:On There first Christmas
Are most of your photos of them developed or digitally stored?:Digital
Did you keep a journal of moments you don’t want to forget?:I will
Do you make home videos?:Yes
Do you have any of their old toys/clothes in storage? Yes
:What about things they’ve made (drawings, etc)? One’s on the Fridge
:Do you send family photos as Christmas cards?: Yes
Do you have framed photos of them displayed in your house?:We Will Soon
Do you still have their ultrasounds?:yes
Did you keep their first lock of hair/tooth?:Yes
Did you get a tattoo for them?:
Tell me about something that happened related to the following.A time when you felt extremely proud::A heartbreaking moment::A time you look back on and regret your actions::Something your kid did that had the whole room laughing::Something they did that surprised you::Something incredibly sweet that they did::An event that made you angry::A moment you wish you had recorded::A bad holiday experience::A moment you would erase::A strange dream you had about your kid::A time you regretted buying a toy::A funny moment involving your kid and their friends::An awkward moment::Worst place you had to change a diaper::A moment involving your kid and an animal::
 song that describes the labor/birth::A song that describes the kid’s relationship with dad::A song that describes your relationship with dad::Song you’d dedicate to your kid::
Last song you listened to with your kid: A Doc Mcstuffin Song
:Kid’s current favorite song:Yokai Watch End Theme
:Song you sang to them at bedtime the most:One I made up Myself.
:Lyric that they always get wrong::
A song by an artist with the same first name as your child:No One comes to mind
:Song that has your kids name in the lyrics::Adrian’s Leap Frog Dog has a Few Songs with his name Programmed in.
Breastfeeding in public::Not for Me
Vaccinations::Sad to see him Cry but it’s Important to get them
Teach them your religion, or let them discover their own?:Discover their own
Teenagers having babies?:ugh I’m against it
Abortion?:Pro Choice
Gay Parents::Pro
What would you do if your child told you they were gay?:fine with me
Leashes for kids::Mean
Pit bulls and kids::Pit Bulls are not Mean unless they are taught to be!
Smoking while pregnant::I don’t think so
Feeding kids fast food::ok every once in awhile
Letting toddlers watch TV::Fine,Adrian watches TV Now!
Homeschooling::seems hard but I’m not against it
Ear piercings for toddlers::No,that is so Vain
10 Places You’d Like To Take Your Kids Someday
2::Disney World
3::Grand Canyon
4::Universal Studios
6::Puyallup Fair
9 Favorite Things To Do Together1::2::3::4::5::6::7::8::9::8 Things You’ve Learned Since Becoming A Mom1::2::3::4::5::6::7::8::7 Favorite Memories1::2;:3::4::5::6::7::
6 People Who Have Helped You Out The Most
3::Alicia,My Sister
4::Michael’s Mom
5::My Niece Cheryl did a good job on Thanksgiving
6::My Niece Miranda
5 Quotes From Your Child1::2::3::4::5::
4 Things You Want To Say To Your Child
1::I love you very much
2::you are the cutest baby ever
3::I will never abandon you
4::we will always be there for you
3 Bad Habits Your Child Has1::2::3::2 Good Pieces of Advice for Other Parents1::2::
1 Favorite Physical Feature of Your Kid 1::his smile
OPTIONAL: a picture of your child:

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