Friday, June 3, 2016

Goth Survey

Goth Survey
Day 1 – How did you come across the subculture?
My Girlfriend when I was 15 got me into The Fashion and took me to Hot Topic for the first time. then I started listening to Manson and The Cure,My Favorite Movie being The Crow,got into Wicca ect. Then when I was 18 My Fiance att Introduced Me to Metal bands (besides Hair Metal),Industrial and Goth like Christian Death, been hooked ever since.
Day 2 – Share photos and experiences from your Baby Bat days.  Here are some of Me During my Teen years. I don’t have alot as I didn’t take alot of Pics back then.
At 19
Me Dressed up as a Vampire at 12 yrs lol

Day 3 – When did you come out the Goth closet? (If you didn’t then simply discuss the topic) Um as a Teen,I was never in one lol I don’t consider My self JUST Goth as I like alot of Styles!
Day 4 – Name a stereotype or cliche you can relate to. 
The Cat Eyeliner and Black Lips lol I did want to Picnic in a Graveyard and I am a Witch. also Yes I love Halloween!
Day 5 – Is there a local Goth band or group in your area? 
I don’t think so,it’s mainly a Metal Town Surprisingly.
Day 6 – Hand write your favourite lyric and take a picture.
I don’t think I have one, at least nothing comes to mind, so :P 
Day 7 – Ten of your favourite goth bands.
  1. The Cure
  2. Culture Club
  3. Christian Death
  4. Siouxsie and the Banshees 
  5. Evanescence
  6. The 69 Eyes
  7. NightWish
  8. Bauhaus
  9. Cradle of Filth
  10. MoonSpell
Day 8 – What’s your worst and best experience with non-Goths. 
I had a Family Friend always say I needed to get out into the Sun more because I was so Pale. or Laugh that I looked Scary….at School The preps just avoided me or Called Me Evil because I was Wiccan.
Day 9 – What genre of music do you dislike? 
Opera,Pirate Metal,Post 90′s/Late 2000′s Rap (aside From Nicki Minaj and Iggy)
Day 10 – What do you hate and love about the subculture? 
Hate-The Elitists! I mean I thought that Narrow Mindedness about how GAWTH you were stopped in HS.
That all Goth’s must be Satanists. I mean to each there own,Lucifer can be pretty Hot ;) but not all Goth’s believe in Satan or are Witches at all.
The Whole if you Listen to Metal you’re not Goth does not make sense to me…and is in no way true! Not all of us Grew up in The 80′s!
Love-All the Different styles of Goth,The Music,How Creative they are not afraid to be who they are weather they’re Experimenting or not!
Day 11 – Is Goth a lifestyle for you? No,it could be but I would end up wanting something new a year or less later lol
Day 12 – What’s your gothic inspiration?  Fashion,TV,Music,Blogs,Aesthetics,Halloween.
Day 13 – What was your first band t-shirt? 
I think this Shirt I’ve had since I was 18. I also had a Black Veil Brides now I don’t have any.

Day 14 – What was your best and worst DIY disaster. 
I don’t have any good one’s. I tried cutting a pair of Black jeans to make them look ripped but they turned out looking like Crap and not that torn up.
I tried Sewing up The back Pockets of My Favorite Fringed Hippy Jeans but they just unraveled…
My Hubby did a Good Job Painting on one of My Shirts though!
This was when I was Pregnant but still Wanted to Cosplay as Nana K.

Day 15 – Your favourite or most expensive item in your wardrobe. 
My Favorite is My Black Floppy Witchy Hat and My Most Expensive is My Purple and Black Victorian Goth Skirt.

Day 16 – What’s the most casual you’ve ever dressed? 
well I stay in My PJ’s at Home. prbly a Tshirt and Jeans while out.
Day 17 – Your favourite Goth brand. 
Tripp is good if you don’t buy their pants and you really have to be picky with their Dresses…Otherwise Black Beauty,Demonia and any UK Goth Brands.
Day 18 – Worst hair experience. 
My Red hair with Blond Streaks….
Day 19 – Share beauty advise and take a photo of your make up. 
lol I’m not any good at that. I still don’t know how to Contour. but I can do Basic Makeup.

Day 20 – If you could dye your hair any colour what would it be? 

Day 21 – What body mod do you have or have you considered? 
Tattoos since I don’t have any.
Day 22 – If you could attend any Goth event what would it be? 
idk any.
Day 23 – Your favourite artist or photographer. 
Day 24 – Name the best websites for Goths. 
Well Vampire Freaks before the Emo’s took it over.
Day 25 – Did you ever consider leaving the subculture? I did lose interest For a while. 
Day 26 – Show a photo for every year (or month if you’re new) that you’ve being into Goth. 
um ok. already showed My Teen one’s,so Here’s The 20′s.
I was Very into The Twilight Series XD


2010 was mainly My Scenester/Gossip Girl Phase and Lady Gaga lol

I was really more Preppy and Rocker Chick that year. while Experimenting with Fairy Kei and Lolita.
Getting More into Pastel Goth and what I thought Hipster was.

I was Pregnant so whatever Fit worked!
Hippy Witch and Classy Goth.

Still Hippy or Nu Goth but with a 90′s Flair.

Day 27 – The worst thing you ever did to a newbie. 
I would Never Bully anyone,that just seems too Hypocritical.
Day 28 – Do you consider yourself an eldergoth? Lol No
Day 29 – What do you think will happen to Goth in the future? They’ll change with the times like everything else. hopefully they’ll bring back 90′s Goth soon!
Day 30 – Make a list of blogs you regularly read and link to them. 

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