Monday, June 6, 2016

30 day Clothing Challenge

Doing all this in one go!

  1. Your closet. -Only half of My Closet,The other side holds Some Jackets and Blouses I hardly wear and My Shoes are Piled on the floor.

  2. Your favourite shirt.-Currently My One of a Kind Buffy The Vampire Slayer T-shirt
  3. A piece of clothing or jewelry that was a gift-From My Mother in law.
  4. A shirt that you haven’t worn yet.
  5. Your favourite pair of jeans.My Black Jeans with the fuzzy Fluer de lis Print on the front.
  6. A pair of pants that aren’t jeans. 
  7. A cute outfit of yours.
  8. Your most expensive article of clothing.-This Skirt 
  9. A cute dress/ skirt.
  10. An outfit you wore on a special day. My Wedding Dress 
  11. A piece of jewelry that a Grandparent gave you.-This WAS My Grandma's.
  12. A piece of jewelry that everyone complements you on. 
  13. An outfit you wish you had. 
  14. Cute socks.
  15. Your newest purchase.-Comfortable Pink Sandles,was going to get them in black but they looked like Ninja shoes lol 
  16. You and someone wearing matching clothes. Me and My Mom
  17. An article of clothing that you made or altered.My Hubby Wrote Black Stones with Fabric Marker
  18. A piece of jewelry that you made.-Made From Charms. 
  19. All your earrings, rings, necklaces and/or bracelets. 

  20. Your jewelry box. 

  21. Something that you only wear around the house. PJ's Me in 2010 
  22. Something you only wear in the summer. 
  23. An article of clothing/ accessory that you consider lucky.
  24. Your favourite pair of shoes.
  25. Shoes you love but hardly wear.-I don't wear them alot because they get Grass Stains easily but I'll probably start wearing them more now that it's Summer. 
  26. A mismatched outfit that you’d never wear (go wild: earrings, belts, crazy skirts etc).
  27. A hat.
  28. An outfit you are ashamed to say you wore. I was 12. This has got to be the Nerdiest thing ever! 
  29. Something that is your favourite brand.
  30. Something from your favourite store.Hot Topic 
  31.  Copied From

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