Thursday, December 8, 2016


1. What event did you last dress up for? Who went to that event? 
um...Halloween I guess,I was Rainbow Brite one night and Alice Liddle for the actaul Night

2. What was the last picture you took with your phone? 
idk,I don't really like taking pictures with my phone

3. Are you a fashion-conscious person? Where do you buy most of your clothes? 
yes I am. or at least I'm a Style Conscious person. I buy most of it at The Mall,Online or Plato's Closet

4. Do you have trouble waking up in the morning? What gets you up and awake? 
yes,um not much the sun maybe

5. What's something fun you've done this week? Who was there? 
my fun doesn't start until tomorrow. I have a Modeling and Acting Audition!!!

6. What's the last thing you texted someone about? 

7. When and why did you last blush? 
not sure

8. Do you currently have a favorite song? What is it? 

9. What is one thing you and your best friend have in common physically? 
Physically? lol um we both have brown hair or I did

10. Now based on your interests, what is one thing you both have in common? 
we both like watching the same Shows,most of the time

11. What, if anything, is hanging on your refrigerator? 
A Sharpener,Notepad and I think that's it

12. What is the last illegal thing you did, even the smallest crime? 

um Downloaded Music

13. How much did each individual thing you're wearing cost? 
not sure but when we went to VS Pink to get all the Clothes and Gym Bag it was over $100

14. Is that the normal amount you spend on clothes? 
pfft No

15. Do you collect anything? Have you ever? 
I collect Figures and MLP

16. What languages do you speak? 

17. Where do your grandparents live?
They are no longer alive

18. When is the next time you're going on vacation? Where to? 
not sure

19. How well do you do in school? How are your grades compared to your siblings? 
Comapared to my Siblings?! LMAO...My Grades suck! of course Brian might have been in the same

20. Does your family eat dinner together? Who does the cooking?
yes and Michael does

21. Are you usually motivated to work or are you a procrastinator? 

22. Has the last month been really stressful for you? 
A bit but not Extremely no

23. What do you base first impressions on? (Behavior, clothing, etc.)
Behavior,definitely there Attitude.

24. Who do you know that is a vegetarian? How about a vegan? 
um my sister Monique goes back and Forth between being a Vegetarian and being Vegan lol I think my old Freind Cleo does too.

25. When is the last time you went out to dinner with a friend? Where did you go? Who paid? 
um we went to Red Robin and Michael payed of course

Tell me about yourself...
What's your star sign? Taurus
Do you ever read your star sign in a magazine or online? Do you believe it? Not all the time and no not anymore
How old will you be in 2011? 24
What was the best year of your life and why? maybe this one because I'm actually taking pills this time,I'm Married,starting to have Friends I think,plus the Modeling and Acting Opportunity? no way would I have had that in Bellingham!
How about the worst year? the beginning of 2006
What is your sexual orientation? Bi
If you were a color, what would it be? Lilac. Some people tell me that they think I'm magenta or something, but that's because I put on a really energetic front, even when I feel like shit, and I'm a lot more shy than I seem at first. In something like a class with assigned seating or a room full of strangers I appear less shy than I really am, because then I feel no boundaries. The only way anyone can tell I am shy is that I am so not used to being loud that even when I think I'm being loud, I'm being pretty quiet. So, anyways, the fact that lilac is purple stands for all the energy I have or sometimes just seem to have, but the fact that lilac is actually so light it can be pink or whitish (depending on your definition of lilac) stands for how shy I can be. And I also think it's a color for people who are soft and dream too much. Obviously, I thought about this a lot.<< I agree,aside from the Strangers thing
Do you have any pets? If so, What are their names? yes I have 3 cats. Luna,Diana and Prisma
Do you wish you were taller? oh yeah!
How about thinner? a bit
What was/is your favorite subject at school? it was Art

Your past...
What city/state where you born in? Tacoma Wa
Do you still live there? Nope!
Do you remember how old you were when you lost your first tooth? It was a few days into kindergarten.<< Prbly
Who was your first best friend? A girl named Brandi
Are you still friends with this person? No.
When did you have your first kiss? 13
Do you regret it? No why would I? it's just a kiss
When you were little, were you afraid of the dark? yes because sometimes I'd wake up in the middle of the night (I actaully think I was sleepwalking) and go into the Living Room and be Dark and no one would be in there and I thought I was alone and Get scared.
When did you stop believing in father christmas (if you ever did)? 13 lol
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Yes.
Have you ever felt totally alone in life? Sometimes.
Have you ever been abused in any way? Yes, I think so.
Ever been in love? I am.
Are you still a virgin? No, and I don't think that's a bad thing at all.<< Same
Ever had your 'heart broken'? yes

The future...
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? How about 10 years? I don't really think about the Future that much,cause that way I won't be dissapointed! I'm just kinda going with the flow and lately that's been working :)
Do you want to have kids? What do you want to name them? yeah prbly 2. Echo Rose and Melinda Lily-Ann or Adrian Rhys if it's a boy
What sort of job do you want to have? I have no idea,shop owner maybe
Are you looking forward to the future? I guess

How do you feel about the death penalty? yes I am a if the punishment fits the crime type person.
What about abortion? If you don't want one, don't have one. But don't infringe on my right to my body.<<Same
Gay marriage? It should be legal,there is nothing wrong with or Different about to ppl of the same sex getting Married versus two ppl of Different sexes. Not everyone is Christian or Catholic,so not everyone will have the same Vows and Beliefs or whatever (I didn't) just let them do what they want and stop making such a big deal out of it! btw the girl who took this before me is right,they didn't start up with the Whole Christian Values in Politics until 9/11. of course they also didn't get so Patriotic until 9/11 either :/
Obama? I like him. I have no reason yet to Dislike him and he's the first president I voted for.
Bush? ugh...I am not getting into how much of a Moron he is. he's not the President anymore it's over and done. Moving on.
What sort of music do you like to listen to? Pop,Rock,Emo,R&B,Old School
Does your mood change very suddenly? yes
Are you in love? If so, are you in a relationship with this person? I am and were Married
Is it ok to be in a relationship with more than one person at a time? To each their own! Just be fair to everyone.<<
When you're sad, do you write poetry? Not anymore
How is your relationship with your father? ha! what relationship?
How about your mother? I love her,she's my best freind,while still being a Mother
Do you hate anyone? If so, who? yep,Terry,Eli and Mariah
Have you ever felt depressed? Yes.
Do you ever get that feeling when you realize how much you LOVE life? um No actaully I don't lol jk yes mainly when I'm around my Mom and the twins
Are there any people that you couldn't live without? Most definitely
What's the one thing in your life that you are most thankful for? That I wasn't born in a genocide torn country or isolated by my parents<< Same

name a boys name for each letter.

A. Adrian
B. Brad
C. Christian
D. Dante.
E. Elijah
F. Fred
G. Galen
H. Heath
I. Ian
J. Jenks
K. Keenen
L. Leo
M. Manias
N. Nick
O. Octavia
P. Peter
Q. Quinton
R. Rhys
S. Sebastian.
T. Trillian
U. Ulysses
V. Vladimir.
W. Wendell.
X. Xavier.
Y. Yamamoto
Z. Zach

name a girls name for each letter.

A. Alisa
B. Bridget
C. Cassandra
D. Delilah
E. Echo
F. Faye
G. Gwen
H. Helena
I. Iria
J. Jasmine
K. Keira
L. Lily
M. May
N. Nina
O. Ophelia
P. Paige
Q. Quinta.
R. Rebecca
S. Stacy
T. Talia
U. Uma.
V. Violet.
W. Willow
X. Xena

Y. Yolanda
Z. Zenon


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