Thursday, December 8, 2016

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd person in your top 8

The first


Taken by me

4)How long have you known this person?:
Since 2009

5)Are you related?:

6)Where does this person live?:
With me

7)How often do you see them?:
A lot.

8)When was the last time you talked on the phone?:
a few days ago

9)On Myspace?:
um forever ago

10)On IM?
when we first started talking

11)How did you meet this person:

12)Are you best friends?:

13)When will you see this person next?:

The second



4)How long have you known this person?:
Since she was born

5)Are you related?:

6)Where does this person live?:

7)How often do you see them?:
Not very often

8)When was the last time you talked on the phone?:
not sure

9)On Myspace?:
we dont really talk on myspace

10)On IM
or IM

11)How did you meet this person:
I met her when she came home from the Hospital

12)Are you best friends?:

13)When will you see this person next?:

The Third



4)How long have you known this person?:
her Whole life.

5)Are you related?:

6)Where does this person live?:

7)How often do you see them?:
Not very often

8)When was the last time you talked on the phone?:
a few weeks ago

9)On Myspace?:
like never, lol

10)On IM

11)How did you meet this person:
I met her and her Twin when they came home from the Hospital

12)Are you best friends?:

13)When will you see this person next?:

The General Angst SurveyAnswer honestly.

The Typical
Your name: Michelle
Your age: 23
Your location: USA

General Angst
Name at least five of your favourite bands: The Pretty Reckless,Cute is what we aim for,MCR,TAI,The Almost
How often to do you listen to music? almost everyday
Does your mood reflect your choice of music? sometimes
What is your normal state of mind? Okay
Are you in school? Nope.
If so, what are your marks like? -
How about your attendance? -
Name three things you can't stand in a person: Rudeness,Bossyness and Lying
Name one person you can't stand in general: Mariah
And one thing you hate about society: um the Bigotry and Narrow Mindedness,The Creepy Pervs

Depression, Disorders, and Suffering
Do you suffer from depression? yeah
Have you ever been diagnosed with any personality disorders or other mental disorders? PTSD and Disassociation
If so, what? ^
Are you on any medication? Anti Deppresents
If so, does it help? Can't tell yet
Have you ever seen a psychiatrist/psychologist? Yes
Do you self-injure? Long time ago.
Have you ever contemplated suicide? Yeah
Attempted suicide? Mhm
Is there anything in particular that triggers your depression/disorder? yeah
Is there anything that can make you feel better? um My Cats or I guess just trying to Distract myself
What do you do when you hit an extreme low? Well I used to Cut and Cry and throw things.
How long have you been depressed/had your disorder? um since I was 15
Have you ever had a stay in the psych ward or a private hospital? No

Friends and Enemies
Name a few people you consider close friends:Michael
How often do you see these people? Everyday
How often do you fight with them? sometimes, not really though
Have you ever stopped talking to a friend completely? Yeah
If so, did it end the friendship or did you make up eventually? it ended
Were you ever picked on as a child? By who and why? Yeah. Just other kids. I don't know.
Did you ever pick on others? Who and why? yeah when I was a Bully in I actually think 7th grade
Is there anyone you consider an "enemy"? um not really I just don't bother with them
What would someone have to do to make you end your frienship with them? act like a Total Back stabbing Bitch
What would someone have to do to make you consider them an enemy? Same or you know I'm not friends with Rapists or murders Either.
How do you feel about people in general? ehh
Do you hate a lot of people? If so, why do you think that is? Not alot

How many relationships have you been in? 13
Who is your worst ex? Rob
Why? He just brought out every bad possible side to me and didn't even care

What is the longest relationship you've ever been in? A year and Counting
Are you a virgin? Nope
If so, is that a choice or a lack of opportunity?  
If not, who did you lose it to, how old were you, and how do you feel about that now? Mike,18 or 19 and EW
Name one thing you hated about each ex while you were still dating: really? Scott,Nothing really it was only afterwords that he started Smoking and doing dumb shit but we were still freinds. Daniel,well he did Cheat on me but I didn't know it at the time. Will,This is hard you never see there True colors until your broken up. Crystal,She didn't want to tell her dad we were together even though I told my family. Sam,She had Depression and was a Cutter and her parents were Crazy and we never got to hang out unless it was at school,we also broke up alot. Mike,He turned Conceited Fast. James,he was Scary and Psycho and his Family wasn't much better and he did drugs,we broke up alot and he was Suicidal. Khori,oh this was supposed to only be one thing...oh well. he didn't want a long term Relationship. Valenn,he had Anger issues ( I blame that on the Bi polor pills),pretty sure he was ADHD,he didn't pay me enough Attention or cared enough to really have a Conversation with me,he was too much into his Fantasy world,he always had to be right,Was Conceited and Extremely Dense.  Benton,he was Atheist and had a Jealous Streak. Rob,he would not open up,Started Arguments and didn't really Care about me,we were just never on the same page.  Steve,Well his Age, he was into BDSM,he was Manipulative and Ignorant.
How many people have dumped you? 5
Who did you have the hardest time getting over? not sure I suppose Daniel just because of all the things I went through
Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? almost
Have you ever been in love with anyone you dated? Mhm
Are you still? no
If not, what happened? I just explained half of it up there

Name all immediate family members (this is just your nuclear family kids, no cousins and aunts): Mom,Dad,Monique,Marlana,Alicia,Brian,Duane
If you have siblings, who do you get along with best? Alicia
Do you still live with any family members? no
If so, which parent do you get along with best? Mom
If not, how long ago did you move out? a year ago
Are your parents married/divorced/separated? Divorced
Have any close family members died? yes my sister Marlana and my sister in law Jennifer
How well do you get on with your family? very well.
Have you ever been kicked out? um yeah
Have you ever run away? no
If so, did you return?  
How long were you gone and where did you go? Miranda should really be taking this,not me
Are there any family members you no longer speak to? um yeah
Your choice or theirs? idk
If you could change one thing about your father, you'd change: um him not being there,his Issues
If you could change one thing about your mother, you'd change:  
If you could change one thing about each sibling, you'd change: her bossyness,Alicia I guess how she goes from one guy or girl to the next,Brian's too easygoing and Duane's too Strict.
Are you happy with your home life? Why or why not? yeah, but i still want to move into a house soon

Do you have a job? No
If so, where and (if you don't mind sharing) how much do you make?
If so, do you like your job? Why or why not?
If you have no job, why not? because I don't want one!
How is your personal financial situation? it's okay 
Can you afford the things you want? yeah
Can you afford the things you need? yeah
Do you pay rent? yes
Have you ever had to rely on welfare or food banks? yes
What would you do if you were handed $2500? save it
What is one material thing you would like right now but don't have? I can't wait until Lady Gaga's Born this way Album,Yasmine Galenorn's next Night Myst book

And Marvel Vs Capcom 3!

Self-Injury (where applicable)
Once again, do you self-injure? I used to
How do you hurt yourself (cutting, burning, bruising, etc.)? cutting
When did you start? when I was 15
Have you ever made an effort to stop? yes 

Have you ever received medical attention due to self-injury? No

Sex (where applicable)
Who did you lose your virginity to? Mike
Do you regret it now? it was just stupid
Have you ever role-played? no
Have you ever tried BDSM? yes....
Are you more submissive or dominant? either
Have you ever been pressured to do something you didn't want to? yep
Have you ever been forced to? shut up
Have you ever used sex as a tool to get your way? kinda but I never did anything
Have you ever used someone for sex? nope
Have you ever had a one-night stand? 2
Describe your worst sexual experience (don't spare the details!): hahahha. no.

General Pain and Suffering
What is the most pain you have ever been in? well Cramps
What was your last trip to the hospital for? a Check up
What hurts more, physical or emotional pain? Emotional
Who has had a negative influence on your life? A few people
Have you ever been emotionally abused? Yeah
Physically abused? um sure
Sexually abused?
Have you ever been in a physical fight? Yeah
What was the outcome? nothing it wasn't very fair
What is your weapon of choice? fists? or Daggers or a Chain
Have you ever been near death? no
Are you doing anything to try to make things better in your life? Sure

Angsty Surveys
What is your favourite type of survey? one's with Good Questions and picture surveys
Have you been completely honest on this survey? Yeah
Do you feel better, now that you've complained about every potentially angsty situation? No
What are you going to do now? Another survey

Name a city that starts with A in your state/province etc:

Name a landmark that starts with M in your state/province etc:
i don't even know.

When was the last time you gave a horse a carrot?:

Have you ever had to shovel snow?:

What mountain ranges have you seen?:

What color is your house/apartment etc?:

Write the 7th sentence on the 18th page of a book close to you:
it's always on a Chapter lol " I wanted to hunt,to chase,to kill-but he was dust. I'd already toasted him and there was nothing left I could do to him."-Menolly D'artigo from Blood Wyne.

How long was your last phone call?:
quite a while

What's the temperature right now?:

Have you ever seen a glacier? Which ones?:
i have not.

How many letters are in your best friend's first and last name?:

How many seasons is your favorite TV show in so far?:

Are you miserable when you're cold?:
if i have no way to be warm, yes. <-same

What happened in the last TV show you watched?:
lets see if I remember, on Greek,Dale,Calvin and Rusty whent to Comic Con Rusty tried to get back together With Jordin via Wecam but she didn't want to because of the Distance,of which all of Comic con heard because it was unknowingly on the Big screen. Dale decided he was back to being Christian Again and Casey,Evan and Cappie are all freinds again though to everybody else they still don't like each other.

What was the last national park you went to?:

Where would you most like to go in your state, etc that you haven't been?:
haha idk.

Do you have an electric blanket?:

What was the last bird you saw?:

What's your 6th Myspace/Facebook picture?:


and then facebook:
oh that was on Face book. yeah I'm just going to do photobucket.


What color was the last thing you drank?:
um Brown? lol

What time was it an hour ago?:

Did you ever wake up in the middle of the night just to check your email?:

What kind of trees are in your yard?:
errr idk

Has a wild animal ever been loose in your house?:

How many times has the 40th song on your playlist been played (which song)?:
i'm not going to check, sorry! <-same

Is it usually hot or cold on Halloween where you live?:
cold :(

Do you like the full moon?:
well, sure.

Is obsessing fun?:
I guess

What do you like the songs you listen to to be about?:
i don't care.

Is '&&' annoying?:
very much so.

When was the last time you said 'yay'?:
earlier prob.

What's the name of the bookstores in your city?:
barnes and noble and borders.

Do you remember getting sung to when you were little?:

Is sarcasm amusing?:

How long do you like your surveys to be?:
at least 50

Where do your parents live?:

Do you find snow beautiful?:
untouched snow is.

Have you ever felt a temperature below 0?:

Would you be a newscaster and speak to everyone in a hurricane?:
hahhah NO

Are there any webcams in your state/province etc?:
i dont know?

Have you ever met an Eskimo?:

Do you like being up high where you can see a lot of things (like a plane)?:

Would you walk on a glacier?:

Name the first 10 albums on shuffle:



Instant Star

I am Sasha Feirce




Antique Cafe

Black Veil Brides

Can't be Tamed

Do you find shows like The Biggest Loser and The Deadliest Catch addictive?:
not at all

Do you like shows about weather?:

Have you ever seen or touched an iceberg?:

What is your favorite TV show?:



What is your second favorite show?:

Do you have a favorite channel?:

What is your favorite movie?:

What is your second favorite movie?:

Who is your favorite actor?
File:Nicolas Cage - 66ème Festival de Venise (Mostra).jpg

Who is your favorite actress?:

What's your favorite band?

What's your 2nd favorite band?

What musical artists have you seen in concert?

Cobra Starship

What is your favorite drink?:

What is your favorite ice cream?:

What is your favorite restaurant?:

What is your favorite place you've ever been to?:

Where would you most like to live?:

Where do you live now?:

What's your favorite book?

What color is your hair?

What color is your eyes?

What shirt are you wearing?:
I don't have a picture but it's underneath this one


What pants are you wearing?:

How do you feel right now?:

An *ORIGINAL* Girly♥ Survey =)

1) What color are your fingernails right now? A light Sparkly Red
2) How about your toenails? Red
3) What is your favorite tv show?
4) Do you get upset when you miss a new episode? Not anymore
5) Do you like anyone right now? yeah
6) Why did you get over the last person you liked? because we weren't right for each other
7) Are you close to your mom? yes
8) Do you like shopping? Love<3
9) What is your favorite store? Forever 21
10) Have you ever had a summer love?  yeah.
11) What is your relationship status? Married
12) What's better: singing or dancing? Dancing

13) What do you want your career to be? not sure
14) Is pink a signature color? Sure
15) When was the last time a guy lied to you? I don't know.
16) When was the last time a guy lied to you? you just asked this!
17) Have you ever slapped a boy across the face? no
18) Have you ever hit a guy? Yeah.
19) Do you carry a purse? yes
20) What is in your purse? two wallets,a Coin Purse,My sunglasses and my Heart Mirror Compact
21) How many guys have flirted with you in the past week? idk
22) How many guys have you flirted with in the past week? none
23) What movie do you love to watch with one of your friends?
24) How do you feel about the person who took this survey before you? nothing
25) Do you trust people easily? no
26) What is your favorite hairstyle on you? Down and Curly
27) What are your favorite colors? Pink,Grey and Bright Blue
28) What color are your eyes? brown
29) What is your name in Spanish? idk
30) Do you have a job right now? Nope.
31) Which one of the Jonas Brothers do you like? none
32) Hearts or Stars? Hearts! <3
33) Do you have posters all over your room? not all over but yeah
34) How do you feel about reality tv? some of it's good
35) What is your favorite animal? Cat
36) What are your favorite shoes? Wedges
37) Do you have a fan in your room? yes
38) What color are your walls? white
39) How big is your closet? its an alright size
40) Do you own any stuffed animals? mhm
41) Who are your best friends? Michael

42) Do you love anyone? Yes.
43) Do you own a pair of red high heels? yes
44) How many guys do you think are cute? so many
45) Did you like this survey? It was okay

missfaith92 @ BZOINK


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